Experience exclusive benefits and personalized treatment with the Shangri La Loyalty Program. Designed to enhance every visit, this program offers unparalleled rewards and advantages at our casino locations in Yerevan or Tbilisi.

Program Benefits:

  • • Cashback Rewards: Earn cashback on every game played.
  • • VIP Treatment: Enjoy special care from the moment you arrive, making each visit extraordinary.
  • • Complimentary Hotel Stays: Relax in luxury with free accommodations, part of our exclusive Free Offer program.
  • • Complimentary Food & Beverages: Indulge in complimentary dining options that elevate your experience.
  • • Free Guest Admission: Bring your friends along, and their entrance fees will be on us.

Obtaining your Shangri La status card is easy and free, with no obligations. For more details about the full range of perks and benefits, please contact our casino management team for personalized assistance.